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Free Veterans Therapy & Counseling Started in Dare County

Dare County’s Veterans Services Division, Department of Health & Human Services, has announced the introduction of free veterans therapy & counseling services.

The newly introduced services are now accessible through the Veterans Center in Greenville, North Carolina.

This marks a significant step in supporting the mental well-being of Dare County’s veterans. Managed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Greenville Veterans Center is part of a nationwide network of specialized counseling centers tailored exclusively for veterans.

Dare County Veterans Services Officer Patty O’Sullivan has said, “We encourage any veteran in Dare County who needs counseling to contact the Vet Center to see if they are eligible for services.” He highlights the availability of individual, family, and group sessions, with appointments conveniently arranged within Dare County itself.

A wide range of counseling services has been made available, emphasizing confidentiality. These notably include issues such as depression, grief, PTSD, and the psychological effects of Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Importantly, eligibility for these services is not contingent upon discharge status or VA health care eligibility.

For these free veterans therapy services, information, or appointments, Contact James O’Neil, Readjustment Counselor, Greenville, N.C. Veterans Center.


Phone: 252-355-7920, Ext. 142222

Cell: 252-947-1537


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